Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Once again it has been awhile. Not because there is nothing to say, quite the contrary. I have not been able to organize my thoughts, it has just been go go go since I started at the Lollipop Tree. I wanted to say since the Bean closed, but that has not exactly been true. In the beginning there was a bit of depression. So for the first week it was hard to get out of my way and make things happen. There is still a bit of that going on with the in flux situation. So that we can be organized I will start with that.

Moving out has been both hard and easy. What has been done has gone smoothly if not timely. The move of the "small" stuff was well orchestrated and done quickly. For a couple of days we packed boxes and got it all together to get out. Then things started to fall apart. The trailer that we were supposed to store everything in fell through. So it was onto a back up plan and everything went to a friends garage.

Now on to the "big stuff". What happened next, an ice storm!! No power for 3 days down there and people were busy helping others so we were on hold. Finally it all got figured out and we could store the rest at the garage of Bear Electric (I think that is the name?) it is up the street from the Bean. One or two small problems. It would not be the size space I had expected and I can't for the life of me figure out how to dis-assemble the counter and cabinet. We did manage to move the counter from the wall and moving the stove and refrigeration out went unbelievably smooth. It was however the day I was to start at The Lollipop Tree. We had to be done quickly and we were.

Determined to get the counters out along with the tables an chairs over the weekend I focused on work. The Lollipop Tree is a great place to work at, right now. I think knowing that my future is possibly limited there makes it easier, but the first to days flew by and I went to the company Christmas party!! I will talk more about the Tree later.

There was a snow storm somewhere in there and a real whopper Sat/Sun. What was move was limited. My ability to move these last items is somewhat lacking. I think it is the thought of moving these awkward items twice and the storage of them is not conceivable in my mind. That is where I am with the move, here, there and everywhere.

Meanwhile the current squatters at 76 Front street have begun their move! Maybe I will be able to just move things things down there? I looked in the window yesterday it is pretty bare, nice. These people are not making things easy, I can understand not wanting to leave your place of business after nearly 13 years, I can't understand having a mean attitude towards me or anyone else who would be willing to accept the terms of renting there. That not being said I still do not think she will turn over the keys on her own. The law will have to be brought in to force here to give back the keys to the place, and she is the only one to hold keys to the place. (when all this started she changed the locks on the doors, not giving keys to the proper authorities!) I think I am getting into a weird territory here.
I just have to keep Brian and Leeanne, my landlords up to date with what is going on. What is going on? Now it is wait till after Christmas, then see if I can get this stuff out.

Wow it is time to get ready for work!! I will write more later.

Thanks everyone for all that has been done and all that will be done. Isn't that part of the Lord's prayer? Funny how certain phrases hit you?


1 comment:

Jay Dee Aytch said...

hey phil,

i am in the process of thinking up an idea for my guest blog entry. so give me a bit of time. i haven't forgotten.

PS i saw fran at the green monkey tonight.