We are entering the second full week of 2010. In keeping with my promise to myself I am writing this now. I am hoping that as I write something will come to me.
It is 4:44 in the morning and I have about 15 minutes to spare. At a New Years party there was a conversation about routine. The discussion had to do with whether or not it was how one operated and is it good. As I write this I easily say routine is good. In fact it is the best part of Tuesday. On Tuesday there is an actual baking schedule. What that means is that I do not have to think about what to make. It is always the same, The Best Bran Muffins, orange scones, cardamom cake and sticky buns. Knowing this is why I have time now to "play". The idea of the same thing all the time does not appeal to Liz though. To her and others I think it means no growth, boredom and monotony. To me it is safety. I like knowing what to expect in my day. Generally there is always a feeling that something is going to go wrong with my day, that someone is going to show up with bad news saying that I forgot to do what I said I was going to do. The same routine helps to eliminate this. Isn't it best to know what is going to happen?
On the other hand yesterday I was thrown a wrench into my routine. I had to go to Boston. This was not planned and inside I was angry Monday is paperwork day, play day and no worry day. There was however a sense of excitement in going into the city. I love to stare at people and try to figure out who they are and what they are doing in the same place as me. While in Boston (it was for a trip to the dentist) I threw caution to the wind and walked a different to the T!!! There was definite apprehension in this decision, like would I be able to get on a mile down the road and I don't come here that often what about lunch at BOLOCO? Well as you can tell I made it back and I actually got a reward for going a different. Yoplait was handing out 4 packs of yogurt! So what if I didn't like it.
My time is up!!! It is time to start the breakfast routine! I do want to mention that I did try to podcast last week, but pushed the wrong button and erased the show. I will try again later this week. I also broke the microphone so I have to take care of that issue.
In trying to keep this somewhat related to food. I want to mention what I am thinking about having this week. A curry of some sort, fajitas, figure out what lemongrass is and how to use it, of course some use of a tomato sauce, and maybe I will figure out how to break the bread routine and make cheese bread too!
you use lemongrass to infuse into liquids. its obviously inedible but you can either chop it or bruise the outside to release the oils. you can steep it in an liquid that you plan on using. its used in a lot of asian cuisines.
A few words on routine…..
Routine is good. But habitually thinking is not. I like that you brought this up, because I have just recently gotten comfortable with the safety of having routines and structure to my day and life in general. I am more like Liz (I guess not just in name..!) I have never had a routine that I have stuck to, and I crave constant change. My life and my persona are testament to that. But, things have changed! And now I feel harmony and peace when things are happening according to the routine, and when I am following my schedule (I go as far as posting my meal plan and afternoon activity plan on the frig..). In particular I am referring to household, homemaking, mothering etc. Routine is what makes it all manageable and enjoyable for me. But the routine has been starting to get to me and sap me, and leave me wanting…I read something the other day, and I wanted to share it with you……every person is an artist. Art is not about painting a picture which sells for millions but about expressing the images alive in the soul. It is about finding the spirit in all its beauty embedded and embodied in material things. Our house and home, our garden, our environment (the Black Bean) is the canvas on which we express our art. Seeing it as drudgery dries up our creative talent.
Every time we cook a meal we create a work of art. Everytime we clean and arrange a room, we sculpt a space. Every time we move through our daily chores in harmony with the things we use, we make music. And every time we interact with others we are acting on the stage of life.
I meant habitual thinking, not thinking habitually!!!! errrduhh
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