Thursday, May 15, 2008

I don't know where to begin. Since the last time I blogged there have been a few things happening. The biggest of which is that Liz has decided to stop Friday night dinners. This makes her very sad, but it was getting to be to much for her. I am certainly glad that I will not have the worry any longer. They were a great thing and a lot of fun for her to do, but not enough payback for all the effort. Her thought now is to do them on a monthly basis. We will see.

We had our second open mic of the season. It went really well. I would say even better than the first. There is a lot of talent in our schools as well as in the neighborhood. I guess this one went on a little longer than some expected. I left just before the end of the first go round. They didn't wrap things up till after 11:00!! Sorry to all the parents that did not get a call from their offspring to let them know what was going on. Sarah says that she is planning another for June, sometime after graduation.

Speaking of graduation. Marshwood's is June 14th. Sarah will be graduating and going to UNH in the fall. UNH's graduation is May 24th. My daughter Kate will be graduating with honors then. Oh yeah I better put up a sign that we will be closed on Saturday for this!!! Unless you would like to cook breakfast? two through college and two to go. Megan will be home for the graduation and we all look forward to seeing her and catching up with what is going on in NYC.

I have not written lately because I have been getting caught up in just reading other blogs. One that I have enjoyed is Vanilla Garlic and from there he has other places to go.

It is weird to read or even just peek in on strangers lives. I wish that everyone would write where they're blogs originate from. The personal blogspots are the most boring though. I suppose if you are family you would be interested in know what your grandkids are up to (unless you are my parents!). But knowing that little Betty said "Sky go boom" is not all that interesting. Unlike reading about Garret's cat Mace getting lost for 5 minutes?

I think that will do it for now. Till next time.

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