On Weds. Liz wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. I took the kids with me to shop and grab something to eat. When we got back it was well past my b
edtime (8:15). "OK every one in bed, now". Somewhere along the way the TV got turned on. Dancing with the stars was on. Penn from Penn and Teller was dancing. Tall, geeky and awkward, "mom that guy dances like dad!!" I was hooked.
It turns out that this was the re-cap portion of the show. They started with the lower scoring dancers and ended with the high scorers. One of the better dancers was Priscilla Presley. I could not believe my eyes. Not because of her dancing, but the costume or was it a costume. The face didn't move. It was like in the movie Brazil. It was horrific. What is going on here. Earlier in the week I had heard how cosmetic surgery is on the rise. I don't get it.
Last season it was Marie Osmond that people tuned in to see. She was someone we "knew" when we were younger. "What is she up to, I wonder what she looks like these days." Say what you will about her, but she put on a good show. This year it is Priscilla Presley. "What is she up to, I wonder what she looks like these days." I really am disturbed by her appearance. Why is it so hard to face reality? Life is change. Changing looks is part of the deal. I look at myself sometimes and it ugh how tired and old I look. On these days I don't think, "if only I could freeze my face to how it was when I was 18". In fact my brothers swear that my senior portrait was air brushed, so even old and tired is better than my younger years. Other times I see the age in myself and I think , I am an adult. There is not much of the boy left in my looks. This is what happens to all of us. It is a good thing. It is something to accept, no to embrace.
It seems as though everything must be new, stay fresh or be perfect in our lives. I was reading an article the other day about baking. They were talking about how to make a good yellow cake. Today it is hard to make one for a few reasons. People's idea of what a good yellow cake is, is messed up. The average person thinks that cakes come from boxes, not chickens!! The box produces a nice consistent yellow color along with the moistness that one comes to expect from these massed produced mixes that use the cosmetic surgeon's ingredients (plastics). This way the cake Mary makes will be that same as the cake Mariah makes. These cakes taste and look the way they do not because of the eggs and what we add but from the chemicals used to achieve uniformity.
To make a yellow cake from the chicken you cannot even use store bought eggs. In our quest to make everything the same the eggs at the store no longer produce eggs with yolks that give us the yellowness in yellow cake. For this we need to go to the farm and get Nancy's eggs. I tried this a month or so ago. I made the best yellow cake I ever made, I am not known for my yellow cakes. The cake tasted like when I was a kid. Flavors that seem to be long gone, but not forgotten.
The theme for dinner at the Black Bean on Friday was Spring Chicken. Spring Chicken? That is where my mind was all week too. What does Spring Chicken mean. The phrase first appeared in 1711 referring to the age of a woman. It is generally used in the negative, "she's no spring chicken". It was based on the fact that a spring chicken was a young chicken, ready for eating, originally this was in the spring.
It seems to me that we have moved away from many traditions. The art of feeding our family and friends fresh real food for one. The art of growing up gracefully is another. It is time to live more in tune with our lives. This week I am going to make it a point to watch another episode of dancing with the stars and find a nice fresh Twinkie to eat (unless I come across chocodiles).

It turns out that this was the re-cap portion of the show. They started with the lower scoring dancers and ended with the high scorers. One of the better dancers was Priscilla Presley. I could not believe my eyes. Not because of her dancing, but the costume or was it a costume. The face didn't move. It was like in the movie Brazil. It was horrific. What is going on here. Earlier in the week I had heard how cosmetic surgery is on the rise. I don't get it.
Last season it was Marie Osmond that people tuned in to see. She was someone we "knew" when we were younger. "What is she up to, I wonder what she looks like these days." Say what you will about her, but she put on a good show. This year it is Priscilla Presley. "What is she up to, I wonder what she looks like these days." I really am disturbed by her appearance. Why is it so hard to face reality? Life is change. Changing looks is part of the deal. I look at myself sometimes and it ugh how tired and old I look. On these days I don't think, "if only I could freeze my face to how it was when I was 18". In fact my brothers swear that my senior portrait was air brushed, so even old and tired is better than my younger years. Other times I see the age in myself and I think , I am an adult. There is not much of the boy left in my looks. This is what happens to all of us. It is a good thing. It is something to accept, no to embrace.
It seems as though everything must be new, stay fresh or be perfect in our lives. I was reading an article the other day about baking. They were talking about how to make a good yellow cake. Today it is hard to make one for a few reasons. People's idea of what a good yellow cake is, is messed up. The average person thinks that cakes come from boxes, not chickens!! The box produces a nice consistent yellow color along with the moistness that one comes to expect from these massed produced mixes that use the cosmetic surgeon's ingredients (plastics). This way the cake Mary makes will be that same as the cake Mariah makes. These cakes taste and look the way they do not because of the eggs and what we add but from the chemicals used to achieve uniformity.
To make a yellow cake from the chicken you cannot even use store bought eggs. In our quest to make everything the same the eggs at the store no longer produce eggs with yolks that give us the yellowness in yellow cake. For this we need to go to the farm and get Nancy's eggs. I tried this a month or so ago. I made the best yellow cake I ever made, I am not known for my yellow cakes. The cake tasted like when I was a kid. Flavors that seem to be long gone, but not forgotten.
The theme for dinner at the Black Bean on Friday was Spring Chicken. Spring Chicken? That is where my mind was all week too. What does Spring Chicken mean. The phrase first appeared in 1711 referring to the age of a woman. It is generally used in the negative, "she's no spring chicken". It was based on the fact that a spring chicken was a young chicken, ready for eating, originally this was in the spring.
It seems to me that we have moved away from many traditions. The art of feeding our family and friends fresh real food for one. The art of growing up gracefully is another. It is time to live more in tune with our lives. This week I am going to make it a point to watch another episode of dancing with the stars and find a nice fresh Twinkie to eat (unless I come across chocodiles).