Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hey. This will not count as my first blog. I will call it my first practice blog?!! The purpose of this is to sort of share who we are at the Black Bean and what we are thinking about.

Whenever I am told or asked to think about something the first thing that happens is that my mind goes blank!! That is where I am now. One thing that does seem to keep popping into my thought is Easter/Spring.

Last week Robert's Maine Grill asked about a dessert that says Easter. Once again on the spot thinking not my forte. Easter means jelly beans and cupcakes. Does that sound like a Miss America answer or what? I think that I also would think lemon which then takes me to spring thoughts green, new beginnings.

So I came up with a dessert that puts all of that together. An orange cupcake with lemon glaze coated with toasted coconut and jelly beans in the center. Not baked into the center, but the cupcake is rather a mini bundt cake and the center hole is filled with the jelly beans. This gives the effect of a nest with eggs. Liz thinks that blue candy coated malted eggs would actually be better. So that is on the dessert menu at the Black Bean tonight.

I think I will take a photo and post. Can I do that?....stay tuned



Egglady said...

Where are the mini bundt cakes, Phil? Did I miss them? Blue = Araucana-very cool colored eggs.

xtinar said...

Jelly beans from Squash's would taste delicious on cupcakes. And I'm pretty sure I have the Hughes to thank for my love of Squash's jelly beans.